Monday 15 September 2014

sorry in need of another days rest

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness

I woke this morning and my body ached from head to toe, and after a full day of school and badminton training I am well and truly shattered. I am going to have to apologise for not exercising as I know I need to back into the swing of things, but I feel as if I need another days worth of recovery. This is in order to do everything that I need to do tomorrow and be able to push myself harder. Rather than doing a half arsed workout now and as my body will still be tired another half arsed one tomorrow.
If you are suffering from serious fatigue and feel that all your body needs is sleep, you are probably right it does and that is the best thing you can do for it in that situation.

Once again I apologise; I should be fine for tomorrow though, so do all the usual stuff and peace!



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