Sunday 25 January 2015

My workout plan updated

Welcome to 5.14 fitness,

Time for a quick update on the workout I am doing at the moment. As I have written about before, I started doing the 30 day fitness workout plan that is on ( It is not for body builders) and I changed it a bit to suit my needs. If you do not know about the 30 day workout, then please check back on previous posts I have wrote about it. The workout pretty much consists of a 15 minute abs workout followed by some lifting which trains certain parts of the body.

What I do now is quite different from what I started out doing. This is mainly because I do not have the equipment or I want to train other parts of the body more than others. For example, a lot of shoulder workouts used to be in place, whereas now they are not in the plan: due to shoulders not being a priority for me. I now do not  have a lot of variety in my workout- I tend to do the same thing every day. 

I do the same 15-20 minute abs workout then I did before, which I am finding is maybe too easy and I may change it soon. Afterwards, I do 6 different exercises , they are usually the same everyday.
They are: 

Straight arm dumbbell pullover
3 sets, 12 reps, 45 second rest

Concentration curls
3 sets, 12 reps, 60 second rest

3 sets, 15 reps, 45 second rest 

Dumbbell bench press:
3 sets, 20 reps , 60 second rest

Hammer curls
3 sets, 12 reps, 60 second rest

3 sets, 15 reps, 45 second rest 

So, I do that along with the 20 minute abs workout, and it mainly focuses on the arms, abs and chest. I spend about 45 minutes a day doing it all, with cardio on some days also ( I tend to do cardio on an exercise bike ).

Thank for reading, please subscribe and like (we will like and subscribe back) . Thanks again and peace! 

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