Sunday, 23 August 2015

My Start To Jogging/Running Week 2

Welcome to 5.14 fitness,

As you can see from my previous posts, I had decided to go running four times a week whilst I am on my six week holiday. The reason for this was to have an exercise which I could maintain and fit into my schedule as it gets jumbled around and becomes hectic due to the holiday. I wanted to do something that makes you feel good and helps as I will be eating more and being active less. Running was what I decided on doing, and I have done exactly that.

So, after my first week of running I went on holiday for a week. During this week, I decided to do no running or training at all. I know this is bad, but the reason behind it was that I wanted to enjoy my holiday. I knew doing training would only make my time for relaxing not relaxing and would make me unhappy. I didn't want to have the weight of having to workout on my mind, so that I could fully enjoy every precious minute of holiday. Also, I had not stopped training for more than 3 days for a year prior to this holiday, so thought I had earned 7 days off.

Anyway, when I came back from holiday I felt very bad physically  as I had eaten a ton of unhealthy food on holiday. I was eating double my usual intake and so afterwards I was quite worried as I had been so unhealthy. Therefore, I decided to amp up the running for a week to make up for the excess food and little exercise. I ran immediately the day after and surprisingly, felt very good whilst doing it. I ran 5k and actually rarely had to stop. I managed to pace myself more and could keep on going for big distances. At some points it felt as though I could carry on running forever, however I stopped for my body's sake. 

The rest of the week was very good, and I did see improvements in a short distance of time. I varied the routes so that it was not as boring, however I still did not enjoy it.
I will be honest, I hoped to enjoy the runs more. Beforehand, I hoped running would be something I enjoyed, as I have still yet to find a individual form of exercise that I like doing. With running, It is ok once I am doing it ;however, the morning and night before a jog I don't like the feeling of knowing I have to get up and run ( if that makes sense ). Hopefully, that will surpass and I will carry on. The weeks following have all been good, and I have never faltered on a run. I have got lost sometimes however!!

Overall, Running has been a very good from of exercise and it has felt very good to complete runs and feel professional. It has improved my fitness levels and I hope I will carry on doing it. I recommend trying it out as all you need is the great outdoors( or a treadmill). Get strava on your phone and you will be good to go and track your results.

Thank for reading, please subscribe and like (we will like and subscribe back) . Thanks again and peace! 

Friday, 14 August 2015

My start to Jogging/Running - Week 1

Welcome to 5.14 fitness, 

As you can see from my last post, I had decided to go running four times a week whilst I am on my six week holiday. The reason for this was to have an exercise which I could maintain and fit into my schedule as it gets jumbled around and becomes hectic due to the holiday. I wanted to do something that makes you feel good and helps as I will be eating more and being active less. Running was what I decided on doing, and I have done exactly that.

My first run, about three weeks ago, gave me a  good start to running. I ran 3.4 miles ( a little over 5k ) and did it on a route which I made on Strava . This allowed me to not worry about the route I was taking and just focus on the running. I ran a lot faster than I thought I would, which is probably thanks to Insanity. I went uphill quite a bit which I admit was a bit of a mistake, but overall I did quite well. 

The benefits I felt on this first run were pretty good. First of all, when I got back I felt very happy and good , due to how hard I had worked an what I had done. It made me feel more confident about myself and , most of all, allowed me to enjoy my day more. I also managed to see more of where I live. There are places which I ran through that I had never been before, and it was cool to discover these new areas. It was also good to post my results on Strava, so that others can see it. It was good to compare my results to other people and more notably, my pro cousin. 

The time for my first run was not brilliant, and the worst of all my runs by a long shot. This was probably because I took at easy, as on your first run you should not push yourself to hard. It is important to ease yourself into these things sometimes. I didn't experience any injuries and although it wasn't enjoyable, the run was definitely beneficial.
Over the course of the next week, I ran 4 more times and Improved greatly each time. This was because I pushed myself more and paced myself better. I took slightly different routes every time to make the run more interesting. 

My last run that week was a 5k run, and I performed very well in it. I completed 5k in 21 minutes, which gave me an average pace of 7:08 minutes a mile. For a beginner, I found this was very good and gave me a boost in confidence for more upcoming runs. I also had a 200ft elevation gain, which made things a lot harder of course. 

Add me on Strava - Will Henry Roberts

Next post I will talk about my second and third weeks and more about results etc..
Sorry about lack of posts, it has been poor I admit but I will try to post regularly on a Friday or Saturday now.

Thank for reading, please subscribe and like (we will like and subscribe back) . Thanks again and peace! 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

New workout day 1 analysis

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness,

Is post will go over the day 1 of 14 day workout I am completing whilst I am on holiday in Turkey, there are 3 days worth of exercise that will be repeated over and in a cycle. So on the fourth day of the two weeks I will be performing day 1 routine again.

Also remember that if you are trying this workout yourself remember it is designed for my ability and towards my goals. My goals are trying to improve my cardio vascular fitness in order to get ready for the football season but also to gain some in the legs and upper body as well as definition and strength in the core. 

I run for 20 minutes as a pulse raising activity and a sort of warm up for the rest of my routine to get my blood flow increasing and muscles warmed up. I also start off slower and gradually get faster until I sprint for the last minute also as a form of warming up but also to vary my speed and to make my body work a little harder and push my self further I order to give it my full efforts. This routine is also used by the England national football team, so if it's good enough for them it's good enough for me!

The majority of the workout is then using the free weights targeting my upper body in particular my arms. I work through a variety of different weights and reps in order to warm up and gradually work up but also to get a balanced workout so it improves many areas not just one, ie bulk as well as definition. I also work in a pyramid styled way of training to warm up and cool down so there is less chance of me pulling a muscle of getting injured.

To finish off I always like to bench a little bit to work on arms and chest and also a bit on the core, I only  bcnh light weights to try to tone the areas not to build tones of muscle mass, this is often a high intensity exercise and brings a nice close to the workout. I keep to working in reps of 10 and then doing 3 sets and working up in woe that's as I said previously I like to warm up and use different weights and to get different results. I like to bench as is the fastest way to get result in the targeted areas as your body is working hard to control the movement of the weights but also keep it stable so it works the muscles a little harder than cables and targets a wider range of muscles. It is also one that I always find gets me really motivated and pumped and it also comes with a few bragging rights.

So this is why I have chosen the actovitoes I do in the first day of the workout more posts in the series to follow, pleas come again, like, follow, plus one, thanks for reading - work hard and peace!


Tuesday, 4 August 2015

My routine ( 1 year of blogging )

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness,

I know this post has been a long time coming but you ha to understand one thing, we are bad bloggers. We never upload pictures, post frequently or even stick to what we say. Yet still you keep coming back and listen to what we have to say and give us this amazing feedback and or this we are ever so greatful. I has also been a year since I started this blog and we have smashed all targets I had set for this site and despite the stats falling in the last few months, due to our poor efforts we have had a very successful year and there will be a Then and Now post to follow. 

This post will be my gym routine that I am following for the course of two weeks whilst I am in Turkey (there is 3 days worth of routines that are repeated throughout the course of the programme):

Day 1:

Tredmill- 0:10 mins, 10 hz/ speed setting
Tredmill- 10:13 mins, 10.5 hz/ speed setting
Tredmill- 13:16 mins, 11 hz/ speed setting
Tredmill- 16:19 mins, 12 hz/ speed setting
Tredmill- 19:20 mins, 15hz/ speed setting

Bicep curl- 12 reps, 3 sets, 5 kg 
Free weight shoulder press- 12 reps, 3 sets, 10 kg 
Single weight tricep curl- 12 reps, 3 sets, 5 kg

Bicep curl- 7 reps, 3 sets, 10 kg
Free weight shoulder press- 10 reps, 3 sets, 12 kg 
Single weight tricep curl- 7 reps, 3 sets, 10 kg

Bicep curl- 5 reps, 3 sets, 12 kg 
Free weight shoulder press- 5 reps, 3 sets, 14 kg 
Single weight tricep curl- 5 reps, 3 sets, 12 kg

Bicep curl- 7 reps, 3 sets, 10 kg 
Free weight shoulder press- 7 reps, 3 sets, 12 kg 
Single weight tricep curl- 7 reps, 3 sets, 10 kg

Bicep curl- 12 reps, 3 sets, 5 kg 
Free weight shoulder press- 12 reps, 3 sets, 10 kg 
Single weight tricep curl- 12 reps, 3 sets, 5 kg

Bench- 10 reps, 3 sets, 20 kg
Bench- 10 reps, 3 sets, 30 kg
Bench- 10 reps, 3 sets, 40 kg
Bench- 10 reps, 3 sets, 20 kg

Weighted crunches with incline- 25 reps, 3 sets, 0 kg
Weighted crunches with incline- 12 reps, 3 sets, 5 kg
Weighted crunches with incline- 12 reps, 3 sets, 7.5 kg
Weighted crunches with incline- 12 reps, 3 sets, 10 kg
Weighted crunches with incline- 25 reps, 3 sets, 0 kg

Day 1 analysis and day 2 to follow in the next few days 

Thanks for reading, this is my actual work out, as you probably know after a year of saying it please come again, follow, plus on everything- work hard and peace!


Ps to finish off the post and to mark a year or the site I added a cheeky pic of how I looked  when I first started blogging