Hey guys sorry for the lack of content over the last week, however there is a good reason behind this: I have just had a tone of school work and exams to revise for and catch up on so my priorities did change slightly over the last week and I appologise for this.
So as you can imagine I have also not really been exercising as I would normally, although I have been playing a lot of football so my cardiovascular fitness might not be effected too badly. As for my diet well yes I have been eating pretty much what I like but I would not say it has been too different to normal.
This is literally just a quick post as feel like I need to share what has been going recently, I will leave the image of a workout routine I found on pinit that I am trying out, so do have a go at that and feel free to let me know how you find it.
Everything to be back to normal by next week sorry again for inconvenience, remember to check out other posts, comment plus one, and to follow me, also if you want me to check out your blog or website leave a link for me all following to be returned- work hard and peace!
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