Friday, 31 October 2014

Halloween Scares

Welcome to 5.14, Darkness. It's impossible to see. You stumble helplessly in the shadows. Your palms are sweaty and slipping off the walls as you trust body parts aimlessly towards where you think you could find a light and end your fall into the fathomless pit of despair- darkness. The room feels bigger than it did before, filled only by the melodic sound of you breathing. You try to calm yourself...

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

How To Increase Muscular Strength

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, Okay, so over the last week or so, I have decided to change my goal focus towards improving strength and performance. Today's post will be a walk through on how to increase your muscular strength. So to start with what is muscular strength? Muscular strength is the amount of force exerted against a resistance. In other words; how strong your muscles are. How do we...

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Daily Diary: Diet Change

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness As I mentioned in a previous post about a week ago now, I am trying a new routine and diet in order to achieve my new goals. These goals being: more size (in arms and legs especially) and increased strength/performance. To be honest, I am not enjoying the new diet; of eating pretty much anything. I am feeling bloated and unhealthy constantly. Therefore I have decided to...

Monday, 27 October 2014

A Bodybuilders Nutrition Guide

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, A bodybuilder:  is a person who strengthens and enlarges the muscles of their body through strenuous exercise (Google). This simply means a person who exercises in order to get bigger and stronger by gaining size, so this means that all you guys out there who are trying to get a little bigger are bodybuilders; and that the term does not just apply to those 6"6, 300...

Friday, 24 October 2014

Leg Builder (weight free)

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, This post will be on the importance of working legs and a good (weight free) workout/routine that I find really effective. By legs I am talking about the two main areas of muscle in this body section: thighs and calves. If we are trying to build size we will find that our thighs will develop a lot quicker and a lot easier, this is by doing your squats or lunges you...

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Daily Dairy: Gym Reboot and Routine

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, Just another diary post this time, so as I have said in recent posts I have been trying to gain size ( in particular in legs, arms and chest). Todays post will be a review of progress. So I have been doing normal arm workouts everyday as well as going gym every day as well- I have to admit, I have cut back on abs and only been doing the occasional workout. At the gym I am...

Sunday, 19 October 2014

New arm muscle builder (basic)

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, Today I shall be sharing one of the new workouts I have designed, this one in particular will be focusing on arms primarily but also a bit on chest. Similar to the General Ab Workout, it is a workout that focuses on all types of goals; therefore improving all: definition, strength and endurance on the particular body parts- arms and chest. It...

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Daily Dairy: Dairy Increase

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, Well today is the third day of my new programme and I am yet to see any real physical improvements, however as I said this is only the third day! I will post a big progress review by day 25 to see if I am noticing any real changes and make any adjustments to the new routine. As you may already know I have been trying to increase my calorie intake in order to provide plenty...

Monday, 13 October 2014

1000 Page Views & New Routine

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, I want to start this post with a big thank you to all those who have been reading and viewing my blog, with your help I have now reached 1000 page views in well under 3 months. In addition to this I currently have: 20 followers (although many more would be warmly welcomed), almost 400 views in the US and 350 in the UK, as well as over 22,000 views on my Google...

Sunday, 12 October 2014

New Routine

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, After reviewing my progress and goals, I have decided to change my objectives, consequently affecting the way I exercise. To cut a long story short I am planning a winter scheme, where I will concentrate less on a healthy diet and more on eating loads and exercising loads to gain size for the new season.  So expect a full walkthrough soon, as well as more posts....

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Health-related exercise

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, Today's post will be on health related exercise, these are factors of health that will help improve sporting performance. They can be remembered by the rhyme: Big Fat Maureen Munchies Cakes! This stands for: Body composition The percentage of body weight which is; fat muscle water bone You can test your body composition either at a specialist clinic or by doing the...

Friday, 10 October 2014


Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, When it comes to fitness there are 6 reason categories to start participating in physical activity. Every reason will fit in these categories, and these can be remembered in the simple by the term CHIPSR, this stands for: Cultural factors:  These are things that are around you, who you are and the things you do/believe. Culture, pretty much. race age gender religion Health...

Sunday, 5 October 2014


Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, I know it has been a few days since I last posted and for that I apologise. However, I have been so busy over the last few days, I have hardly had time to exercise let alone post. This has been mostly due to my participation in physical activity as this is the time of year where all my commitments are at peak season and overlap. More bad news- this next week is going to get...

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

When to start lifting

Welcome to 5.14 Fitness, Okay, so this is a post that some have been anticipating over the last couple of days, the reason it has taken so long is that I was not sure either but I have just finished asking around and I think I now have enough information at my disposal to be able to post on it. The reason I do this is because I do not want to be giving out advice on matters that I am guessing...